I am a Freak Of Kniture!

Barbara Benson posted a video on her Youtube channel called “What Kind of Knitter Are You?“, such as process v. project and comfort v. challenge. I thought I’d repost my comment here:

I don’t know if I’m a Freak of Kniture or not, but I kinda think so. I don’t have any kind of queue, as I rarely use a pattern, and often don’t even have a type of object in mind. I pick a yarn, start knitting and see what happens. I often have 4 or 5 reboots before I decide to go on. I just end up with whatever comes off the sticks, but I’m happy if it’s useful and happier still if it ranks as unugly or higher on the looks scale.

I almost never have a wip list, because I am a severely monogamous knitter. If I start to hate a project, I might just stop knitting for weeks. When I finally decide to have an illicit affair with some other yarn, it usually kickstart my mojo enough to go back and work on the abandoned project again – but not until I finish the new one. I can only recall two times when I was actively knitting on two or more projects at the same time.

My other quirk is that I have my own version of “second sock syndrome”, but for sweaters. I consider the body of a sweater as one project, and the sleeves as another, totally separate project, that just happens to be attached. So it’s ok to finish the body, set it aside for some other project, and return to do the sleeves later. In one case about 5 years later. But it’s not a WIP, it’s an FO, just waiting for another FO to hang off its sides … like I said at the beginning, I think I’m a Freak of Kniture. (Freak of Kniture = Copyright Kitten WAW)

If this makes its way to anybody’s eyeballs, I hope you’ll let me know how you feel about your knitting.