We Were Better Off Yesterday

Our skies are lighter today, but look at the sun in this photo. In normal, clear skies, the sun is approx. 400,000 times brighter than the full moon. The smog today is thick enough to block most of the sun’s light, making it look more like an anemic blood moon. Yesterday, however, the sun was not visible at all.

The fact is, though, that we were better off yesterday. The marine layer was holding the smoke at a higher altitude, and our air quality was rated in the yellow moderate range. Today the smog has descended, and we are dead center of the red UNHEALTHY zone.

Here’s a shot showing the smokey air is at street level.

Of course, none of this compares to being right in the range of the fires, especially the brave women and men on the front line, and the evacuees, who’s lives right now are no clearer than our skies.

San Francisco Sky This Morning

No, I didn’t use a Sepia filter. The sky is that brown, almost matching the bldg.

The sky in SF @ 8 am this morning. It hasn’t changed yet (8:35) and probably won’t. I’ll take more shots during the day and add them to this post.

Meanwhile, CA and the west coast are not the only places in the USA with fires,

Smoke extends hundreds of miles over the Pacific.

nor are the problems confined to the US. Climate Change is real. Global Warming is real. The dangers are real.

ETA: Another pic taken about 11:15am. Facing East, looking down Market St.

It’s seemed to get darker as the sun gets higher. The orange color is deeper with the sun at this angle. You can just sort of tell it’s out there because the sky is brighter to the South. Street lights aren’t on, their timers aren’t set for these hours, but drivers have headlights on.

ETA: 2:45PM, Skies much lighter, so now the street lights are on? OK.